Support ongoing work in Tonga

The Rotary clubs of Whanganui North (New Zealand) and Nuku’alofa (Tonga) have been helping Dr. John van Dalen with providing orthopaedic services to the communities of Tonga.

Proposed operating theatre with clean air ventilation, stainless steel walls and anti-static floor

Recent Achievements

  1. First orthopaedic surgical visit

    Dr John van Dalen begins multiple visits involving clinics and orthopedic surgical procedures

  2. Telemedicine support

    During the Covid lockdowns telemedicine support was provided to Tonga surgical team, this telemedicine continues today between visits.

  3. Trauma table project delivers equipment

    Surgical Trauma table donated by Whanganui Hospital and shipped to Tonga with the support from Whanganui North and Christchurch Rotary Clubs in New Zealand.

  4. Rotary Global Grant Approved - #GG2128455

    $60,000USD was raised through Designated District Rotary Funds, Ministry of Foregin Affairs and Trade, NZ Rotary Clubs and Rotary Interantional Global Grant organised through Whanganui North Rotary club.

  5. Orthopedic surgical equipment arrives

    Equipment purchased and shipped to Tonga from Quantum Surgicals, Bangalore, India.

  6. Tongan firsts

    • First fixation fracture neck of femur using the Surgical Trauma table.
    • First closed rodding of femoral shaft fracture using the Surgical Trauma table.
    • First closed rodding of Tibial shaft fracture undertaken.
    • First fixation of slipped upper femoral epiphysis.

Upgrading Operating Theatres

Dr. John van Dalen, an Orthopaedic Surgeon from New Zealand, launched the Orthopaedic Surgical Trauma Project in Tonga with the support of Rotary International and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of New Zealand. The project aimed to enhance surgical services in Tonga by providing a specialized trauma table and offering previously unavailable procedures. As the project progressed, it became evident that the operating theatres at Vaiola Hospital needed upgrading to meet current standards and expand the range of surgeries, including joint replacements for arthritis patients.
Presentation about the health care system in Tonga by Dr. John van Dalen. Orthopaedic Surgeon, Whanganui Hospital.

Frequently Asked Questions

Operating Theatres Upgrades and Surgcial Procedures


Tongan Medical Project

Global Grant Number: GG2456392

New Zealand donations can be made to:

RNZWCS Limited (Rotary New Zealand World Community Service)

Bank account: 03-1702-0192208-01

Reference: 428

Registered Charity (CC26860) for New Zealand Tax Credits

International donations:

Rotary Club of Whanganui North

Charitable Trust (Inc)

#2 Global Grant Account

Bank account: 03 0791 0056288 000

Swift code: WPACNZ2W

Have any questions?

Feel free to get in touch to set up a meeting or to ask us any questions you may have.